Saturday, September 7, 2013

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Trapping Wild Hogs

Well now that deer season is coming to a close in some parts of my hunting area its time to start setting out traps for those wild hogs that continue to over populate our hunting grounds. We are doing just that here on our hunting lease in Louisiana. With the help of a buddy of mine we have scouted the area for hog sign and moved a trap to a good location to try and catch a few of these bad boys. It may appear easy to catch hogs but they can be very stubborn, making it hard to lure into a trap sometimes. They are not as dumb as you would think. Some hogs have been trapped and escaped or let go or have seen other hogs trapped which makes it even more difficult to get one to come remotely close to a trap. We rarely see them in daylight hours making it hard to take one with a gun so we resort to trapping instead. Nevertheless we have to try and reduce the population somehow and we could use a few good ones to mix with our venison for sausage and or chili recipes as well. Once we get the trap in place we bait with corn and maybe some rice brand to get them interested. We will check the traps daily and add to the bait what the coons and squirrels have taken out. Checking the trap daily also gives me peace of mind that I haven't trapped an unwanted animal or if I did it gives me time to release it before it has a chance to hurt it self. 
This is our setup, a simple trap with a trip set for the gate. Hope the next pictures I post will be pork chops on the grill. Thanks for visiting my page and feel free to share your ideas as well.
Keep it safe and remember to Take a Kid Outdoors

Papa Scott